The horny pocket gay clung to the bedsheets, his hole being stretched by Mr. Stryker’s huge hard-on as the top sunk in balls deep. Without warning the tall hung top pulled out his phone to take a call. Andrew covered his mouth to mask the sound of his loud moans while getting barebacked and heard Stryker encourage the men on the other side to come join him in a twink gang bang.
It sent a wave of electricity through his body, getting the tiny gay bottom excited. Once he knew that his hole was about to be shared it only made Andrew moan louder. That is until Dr. Wolf slid around and fed his huge raging hard-on to muffle the boy’s moans.
Mr. Spencer, the second man to join them, soon swaps places with Mr. Stryker to thrust his large full bush against Andrew’s smooth ass, effectively going balls deep with every inch of his raw dick. When the two men who towered over the tiny bottom swap places and Dr. Wolf’s large appendage sunk in, Andrew managed to moan even louder.