Aaron Allen and Ty Roderick – Operative Down – Chapter 1
A young Army officer, Aaron Allen, has been captured. His torture, by Ty Roderick, an expert at inflicting pain without causing permeant damage, starts now. Aaron Allen, young major in the U.S. Army, is caught behind enemy lines and transported to a secret facility. He's fit and strong, but his captor, Ty Roderick, is highly skilled in the art of torture. Aaron hangs by his wrists, his flat stomach exposed, when Ty enters, clad in black, rippling with muscle. Ty rips open Aaron's shirt then puts on special "interrogation gloves," made of hard rubber, perfect for inflicting pain on a muscular torso without causing permanent damage. He brutally beats Aaron's smooth, athletic body then pulls down his pants, revealing a round ass encased in a military jock. The half-naked soldier is then brutally flogged.