Scouts caught by their inspector having sex at camp
Nothing gets a scout more excited than an adventure! Whether it’s hiking trails, traversing a ravine, or building a campsite, scouts love the great outdoors. Why, even Austin, is finding a liking to the wide open spaces, the crisp forest air, and the companionship of his fellow scouts! Scoutmaster Knox has brought a small patrol out to look for a future campground. This intrepid troop is always eager for a new place to pitch their tents and earn their badges, making site scouting an essential part of the outdoors experience. It’s always good to know where you’re going and these young men have the good fortune to blaze the trails for others to follow! It’s an exciting endeavor to go where no one has gone before. And while these woods are not unknown to Scoutmaster Knox, they’re new for Austin and his enthusiastic hiking companion, Jack. Any good scoutmaster will appreciate the look in a young man’s eyes when he learns to navigate a map and master his environment. It’s this sense of adventure that leads men to take on new endeavors and approach the world fearless and strong. And as they chart their path and mark their way, Austin and Jack are beginning to form a bond that is unlike anything else. A bond that all scoutmasters must encourage and guide.
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