The painter paints my face with sperm - Holiver, Vitor Pauzudo
Holiver needed to forget about the problems so he decided to go to his 's house in the countryside of Sorocaba, arriving there he found a painter who made him quickly forget about the problems and just think about feeling pleasure. Vitor Pauzudo was painting the house when he saw Holiver handling his cock and didn't think twice about passing the brush on Holiver's gluttonous ass. Holiver is the type of person who, when he sees a thick dove, doesn't waste time in delighting himself, lucky for him to have found Vitor, who is that type of painter who feels very comfortable in the house of those who work, he only wears his shorts. brush going up and down ready to break a hot ass. As a blowjob and a glass of water is denied to anyone, Holiver couldn't help but fall in his mouth when this cocky painter asked for this combo of pleasure. The result was a scene full of horny and a lot of brush... oops... prick your ass!