Sports therapy
My name’s Draven Navarro and I’ve recently started coaching the baseball team at the local college. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for the longest time. I was a pretty talented sportsman back in the day and almost made it onto a minor-league baseball team. But the wrong injury at the wrong moment burst that particular bubble. But I was always so grateful for the opportunity to show what I was capable of.
Afterward, I decided it was time to give something back by seeing if I could help a few of the talented young sportsmen out there who are on the cusp of something special, but, for whatever reason, aren’t breaking through.
Lack of confidence will cripple the finest sportsperson. That little voice in your head which tells you that you’re not good enough will become a self-fulfilling prophecy if you don’t shut it down.
There’s a boy on my team called Myott, who’s an absolute case in point. He’s a brilliant, natural sportsman, but he has almost zero self-belief… and it’s holding him back. Now, I know a hell of a lot about sports psychology and there’s a pretty radical technique I’ve been wanting to try on him. It involves a very loose form of and deep relaxation. Perhaps a better way to describe it would be as a form of positive visualization.