APPRENTICE MONROE Kapitel 1 - Das Vorstellungsgespräch

7:04 252 vor 2 Tagen
New apprentice, Maxx, dutifully stands, takes a deep breath, and begins to undress. He takes off his tie and shirt, desperate to appear calm while his hands shake uncontrollably. Kamp watches approvingly as Maxx tentatively unbuckles his belt and unbuttons his well-fitting pants, letting them fall to the ground. In just his underwear, Maxx feels vulnerable. And Kamp likes what he sees. Kamp pulls his chair nearer to Maxx, who instantly begins to blush. The close proximity of the master is somewhat disarming. Kamp wears a highly expensive scent which instantly envelops the boy in a cloud of sensuality. The blood in Maxx's body starts to rush to his dick. Kamp asks if Maxx is prepared to prove he's not attracted to men. And when Maxx nods nervously, Kamp stands and promptly ties the boy's hands behind his back. Maxx's heart starts to pound. He's terrified and unsure of what comes next, knowing that it's all a test he's determined to pass. Kamp starts to seductively run his large hands over the boy's thigh and then up to his chest. A shiver runs through Maxx's body and his dick stiffens noticeably. Kamp is soon touching every part of the boy's body, activating his erogenous zones and making him tremble with a mixture of terror and unparalleled pleasure. The smartly-clothed master pulls down the boy's underpants so that he's entirely naked. Kamp then pushes one of his thick fingers into Maxx's tight, virgin hole. The boy winces and gasps and enters a lust-fuelled trance. His huge, curved, rock-hard dick now points towards the ceiling as Kamp jerks it slowly.


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