
2:40:26 14 vor 20 Stunden
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One of the most majestic, gorgeous and stunning pieces of gay adult filmmaking the genre has ever seen. Easily director Bruce Cam and the Titan team's crowning jewel, it's one of the most positive, powerful and hot as hell portrayals of gay sex ever. It may even be the movie of the year. Our full review begins below... Once in a while a movie comes along that’s so hot you need asbestos gloves just to handle the case. Welcome to the pinnacle of TitanMen’s productions; it doesn’t get better than this. If David Lean made porno it would look like this. Just throw away all your other titles. This is the only one you’ll need from now on. As soon as the credits roll you’ll know this is nothing but "high end." It’s sumptuously photographed with an almost Oscar-winning high definition camera-style, highlighting the natural beauty and dark clay reds of the cavernous rock of the Grand Canyon, perfectly complementing the guys’ sculpted frames. No plucked and pampered bodies here, thank you very much; these guys are big, tattooed and hairy, all-over-tanned and just plain fucking horny fuckers. Put your bibs on, let’s gorge!


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