780 - Denny Chris, Vlad, Ladislav

27:02 27 vor 1 Stunde
I was thinking all day about having a threesome. In the morning I tried to hunt in the streets but had no luck at all. I decided to call a few friends. Two of them were willing to make some easy money but it had to be done after work. So, we met in the evening and went to my place right away. I wanted to watch some live action porn right in front of me. Lying in the bed I watched these two studs undressing and pleasuring each other for a while. When I couldn't take it anymore, I invited the guys to my bed. After a long blowjob, I picked a dude and let him slowly sit on my horny boner. He moaned a lot as his ass stretched. I just couldn't get enough of him. When I was about to cum, I moved to the other guy and destroyed his ass too. We ended this lovely evening by completely emptying our balls.


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