686 – Lukas Kolafa

31:04 2.4K vor 5 Tagen
Being bored out of my mind, I tried to prank people. Reckless people often use public transportation without paying so I pretended to be a ticket inspector. I was quite lucky because the first dude I caught in the act was pretty good looking. I definitely made Lukas Kolafa worried. He was so relieved when he realized it was all a joke. Lukas was a student and his wallet had seen better days. I didn’t lose time and offered him more money at Czech Hunter. He agreed to get intimate but insisted on us taking a shower. I didn’t mind, on the contrary. Then I just lay down on my sofa and enjoyed Lukas’ hands and mouth taking care of my boner. The blowjob wasn’t perfect, but it made me curious about his virgin ass. It was nicely tight, clean shaved and felt simply incredible. I couldn’t wait to cover his face in cum.


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